История математики

Сельберг Атле 

(14.06.1917 - 06.08.2007)

Сéльберг Атле (Selberg Atle), pод. 14.6.1917, Лангесунн.

Норвежский математик, чл. Норвежской АН, Американской академии искусств и наук в Бостоне. Окончил университет в Осло, был профессором там же. Работает в Институте перспективных исследований в Принстоне (США).

Основные труды по теории чисел и математическому анализу.

Золотая медаль и премия Дж. Филдса (1950).

Math man Atle Selberg dead at 90 Atle Selberg, a prolific mathematical researcher with multiple terms that bear his name, has died in Princeton, N.J., at the age of 90. The mathematician died Aug. 6 after suffering a heart attack in his home, the Los Angeles Times reported Wednesday.

Selberg's contributions to the world of mathematics have been immortalized by concepts named for their creator: the Selberg trace formula, the Selberg sieve, the Selberg integral, the Selberg class, the Rankin-Selberg L-function, the Selberg eigenvalue conjecture and the Selberg zeta function.

"His far-reaching contributions have left a profound imprint on the world of mathematics and we have lost not only a mathematical giant but a dear friend," Peter Goddard, director of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., told the Times.

Selberg is survived by his second wife, Betty Compton; a daughter, Ingrid Maria Selberg of London; a son, Lars Atle Selberg of Middlefield, Conn.; stepdaughters Heidi Faith of Mountain View, Calif., and Cindy Faith of Roland Park, Md.; and four grandchildren.

Источник: Математический энциклопедический словарь. М., Сов. энциклопедия, 1988